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Part: The Life Auction

Part: The Infant Factory

Part: The Organ Vending Cabinet

"There are currently 1854034 extant species and 1611338 extant subspecies known to exist in the world, as well as 38278 extinct species and 659 extinct subspecies."

Richard Dawkins mentions in The 'Selfish Gene' that in fact "We are survival machines-robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes."
The economic value system and the principles of natural primitive structure developed by modern society under the domination of man constitute a paradox. Is the value orientation of man the only criterion to measure the running society? What is the difference between human beings and chickens and electronic components on the production process line in terms of the macro position of life? Man creates the assembly line, yet man also becomes the product of the assembly line, processed and packaged.

"What is the right rule of life transaction for this world? It is always confusing, there are always too many answers to one question."
The world is a trading floor - assuming that there is another measure to carry out a counter-regular product trade in this parallel world, symbolizing words as the value labels we conceive for them, a worldview that is detached from the natural position of human beings, viewing everything from the perspective of everything that seems real and normal and orderly, but is everywhere full of absurd scenes. "Everything can be a buyer, everything can be a seller, everything can be a commodity."

Creator: Shunyi Yao, Yan Zhu, Hsujing, Hanzhi Tang, Yishan Chen, Pointtt

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